Monday, February 27, 2012

Dead Space 2

I've had Dead Space 2 for a while now. I played it before my super-awesome computer upgrades and it ran really sluggish on the lowest settings. I also got to a very difficult point in Chapter 15 or so which was made even harder by my poor framerate. So I ragequit...indefinately.

But I've come back and running in beautiful max graphics; though the rendering on my 3D monitor is awful and gives me real headaches, so I've not been playing in 3D. Probably why Nvidia says the game is 'Not Recommended' for 3D; some newer games just weren't designed with 3D in mind, but that's for another post.

Now I love Dead Space to the point of fan-dom. It's one of my all-time favorites and I've played ALL of them. I've bought all the movies, read all the comics, played Dead Space 1 twice and also played the Wii prequel, which was very decent for a Wii game. I loved it so much that I pre-ordered the special edition and got a mini plasma cutter. Awesome!

What I most love about Dead Space 2 is that they took an appropriate change in pace. The first game was about the scares and the horror, because it was new and nobody knew what they were getting into. This time around, it's more action orientated but still with the horror and gore. Oh man the gore is horrible. This game really just wants to show off how many different ways it can kill you.

So far, I really don't have anything to complain about. The level design is solid and the story is mostly comprehensible, especially since your not meant to really know what's going on until later in the game. Here's a little preview of just how intense this game can be sometimes.

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