Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Skyrim - Welcome to...oh crap...

Dear Diary

After venturing to Skyrim and promptly getting a taste of Legion 'brutality', I managed to escape with this Legion fellow during a dragon attack. I'd never seen dragons before and they are pretty damn scary. So we escaped and we parted ways to meet up later at his parent's place (the dude still lives with his parents, what a dork!) but I took the long way around and met some bandits who got to taste my mace. I found a treasure map and went treasure hunting like a...medieval pirate? Found this old lady and snooped around her house. Found a secret basemet and stole some stuff, which kinda pissed her off. I didn't like her attitude, so I gave her a taste of mace.

Got to the town, took peoples stuff and got sent on this quest to retrieve a golden claw. I don't know, somebody's idea of a stupid joke but I went along with and and found this creepy temple in the mountains. Killed bandits with awesome archery (I keep shooting them through the left eye because I'm uber-uncool). I must have super powers, because I could see dead people...and kill them too!

Anyways, long boring quest cut short, found door, guessed combination not realising I had the code on the claw. Found cool stuff and left. Jumped off cliff and returned claw for money. Then went up into mountains and learned how to cook. Fought Wisp Mother and won (after 10 tries, I was only level 4). Went through caves and climbed mountain. Now I'm lost and running around in a blizzard.

It's awesome!

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